Miracle and Law of Causality

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher Assistant of The Al-Mustafa International University

2 faculty member of Payame Noor University


Miracles drew the attention of thinkers from different angles in the history of religions. Of especial importance, however, is the ontological glance of philosophers at miracles. That every effect requires a congruent cause is a intellectual philosophical law. On the other hand, the constituent element in miracle is its being “extraordinary” which makes it seem to be lack of any congruent cause thus being inexplicable event.
Now the question is whether miracle has no cause in which case it is regarded as irrational, or has a cause but not of natural sort that is familiar and known by human beings or souls of Prophets are involved and act in producing miracles.
Analyzing different sorts of miracles this article attributes them to unfamiliar natural causes as well as familiar unnatural ones and the influence of prophetic souls involved in bringing them about.
