Study of Implication of Design Argument for Divine Attributes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 postgraduate student of philosophy of religion

2 associate professor of Baqir Al-Ulum University


The main question dealt with in the present article is how far one can appeal to design argument in order to prove attributes of God.  No doubt, this argument is significant in demonstrating the existence of a designer. In addition on the basis of the unity of order beheld throughout the universe one can use it to prove the oneness of designer. It can also demonstrate God’s knowledge though it is not proof for Essential knowledge of God, since presupposes extra-mental realization of that attribute in which case it will be regarded as Attribute of Act and additional to the Essence. Moreover, this argument fails to demonstrate infinity of power and knowledge, for it is the mirror of its cause and however great it is, in last analysis it is limited and finite and cannot show infinite cause.
