Proofs of the totality of the Existing World as a Solution to the problem of Evil in Mulla Sadra’s Viewpoint

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor in Maaref Department of Payam Noor University, Tehran


In responding the question “How possibly could this world with its all sorts of evils have been created by God who makes best possible form?”, Mulla Sadra, like most Muslim thinkers, makes use of the notion of totality of universe known as “the best possible order” and by giving a thoroughgoing analysis he expounds the view of the best possible scheme or reality thus providing the best ever presented solution to the problem of evil and the explanation of entire goodness of whole universe. Using Mulla Sadra’s principles namely fundamental reality of being as pivotal to the concept of best possible world, the present article is to examine so-called a priori arguments (propterquid) such as argument from Foreknowledge, and the argument ascribed to Al-Ghazzali as well as argument from affinity and the Nobler contingency. It continues to deal with a postriori arguments and all counterarguments presented against the idea of best possible order. Finally it came to the conclusion that the best scheme of reality is one that has more perfection and goodness, more extensive and higher in all realms of existence in comparison to limitations and imperfections in natural world.
