Comparative Study of Philosophy of Fiqh with Other Similar Metadesciplines

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor in Islamic Culture and Thought Academy


The present article is an attempt to define the nature of philosophy of Fiqh and its relation with other similar such metadisciplenary studies as philosophy of religion and philosophy of religious knowledge. Philosophy of Fiqh as one of these metadisciplines is a rational and philosophical study of the science of Fiqh as one of the religious sciences dealing with religious knowledge and thus it is closely connected to philosophy of religious knowledge as one aspect of general philosophy of religion. Therefore it is essential to study relations of these “philosophies of” that can shed light on the status of each of them in the whole system of religious insight.
The comparative study can help us determine the sort of prevailing interrelations such as being general or particular, superstructure or infrastructure, productive etc. Although some of these sciences have underlying function in respect with their object of study other ones, they are dependent and based on other apparent metadisciplines. Our judgment on the expectations of these fields of study depends upon our appraisal of the role and status of each in the whole system of our knowledge. Failure to reach a right assessment of place can render metadisciplines to inadequate and abstract sciences without making any drastic change in the fields concerned.
