The Effect of Imagination in Formal Unveiling in Sadr al-Mota`llihin`s View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Teacher at Payam Noor University

2 Phd student at Payam Noor University


The part of imagination has always been considered as a concern for philosophers and mystics in ontology and epistemology. Imagination plays an essential part in happening and explanation of mystics` unveiling. When explaining the part of this faculty, Mulla Sadra has put imagination into two connected and separate types. For him, the former is known as an inner faculty keeping imaginary forms and the latter as an independent world extended between the two worlds of sensation and intellection. As is explained in the paper, mystic`s soul performing an inner movement by the help of connected imagination is put in connection to separate imagination and, in this way, perceives imaginary forms revealed in connected imagination during sleeping and waking both. This unveiling leads to the unity of mystic`s soul with its intuitive finding and knowledge by presence. The philosopher has explained strange actions of awlia` and prophet`s revelation on the basis of soul`s creativity and power and known it as a combination of formal and spiritual unveilings.
