A Critical Study of the Faculty of Phantasm in Sadrian Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor at Shahed University

2 Assistant professor at University of Sistan and Baluchestan


For Sadra, the faculty of phantasm, viewed as being not separated faculty but as descended intellect or ascended imaginary, perceives non-universal meanings. Mulla Sadra has not studied the faculty and its way of attaining fantastic meanings separately; the authors, however, have studied its way of production with regard to intellectual and imaginary concepts and unity of knower and the known in each level. Sadra`s principles for proving corporeal state of phantasm consist in fundamentality of existence, unity of matter and form in existence, substantial motion. The productions of the faculty may be introduced as: considering sensible as intellectual, opposing intellect in the conclusion of deduction, permanent unreasonable wishes and fearful ideas. Effects by the faculty may be considered as unusual power in human souls, their purity or impurity.
