Essential difference of Raj`at with Reincarnation in Potentiality and Actuality

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor at Imam Sadeq Institute for Islamic Studies

2 AM degree


Raj`ah, returning, and reincarnation have been believed in by far eastern, and western people and some groups in Islamic world. Though the ideas are essentially different, one may find some cases of resemblance between them and it is, therefore, worthy of more studies. The resemblances have caused some to oppose raj`ah as being the same as reincarnation and the Siites believing in it as those believing in reincarnation. Such being the case, the question show itself as: what is the essential deference between raj`ah and reincarnation? The paper has focused on human soul`s movement in potentiality and actuality. It should be made clear that given rej`i soul, may one speak of the existence of reincarnated soul also. As explained, those posing such question have not paid attention to the difference between perfection and returning back.
