Practical and Theoretical Effects of Wujud-i Rabit in Transcendent Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student

2 Phd of Islamic philosophy


Wujud-i rabit is one of the most important findings in the transcendental wisdom on which Sadr al-Mutuallihin created a great change in his philosophical system and transcended his wisdom. Mulla Sadra, based on his philosophical foundations as originality of existence and conventionality of quiddity,  gradation of existence and regarding imkan-i faqri as the standard for the caused`s need to its cause, viewed wujud-i rabiti to wujud-i rabit and took it as including all created world. In the light of this theory, which is based on imkan-i faqri, in addition to its new philosophical achievements, philosophical debates of the past philosophers are also reconsidered in a new look. Again, in this way, human beings` passage to perfection and their approximation to God have been explained clearly. On the basis of the theory of wujud-I rabit, one`s separation of the creatures and sense of hope occurs and strengthens. In the shadow of such explanation, human trust to God is produced and one`s anxiety disappears. In the paper, it is intended to explain theoretical and practical outcomes of the theory
