Gradational State of Death and Its Effect on Human Soul`s Development in Transcendent Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Professor at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



The paper, relying on Sadra`s view and principles, has studied the problem of death and answered its related questions like: What is the truth of death? Is death gradual or not? What is the cause of death? Does human being die only one time or more? What is the part of human death in perfection-seeking motion of the soul? Does one need to note various types of death for one`s soul to upgrade? What is the relation between death and human perfection? Considering the meaning and part of gradational state of existence in transcendent philosophy, how does this principle affect the problem of death? As understood by the study, death not only is a way to perfection but it itself is a kind of perfection also. It accelerates actualization of some potentials and its state of being perfect is gradational. Moreover, some kinds of death like martyrdom, being itself gradational and directing human potentialities and their actualization, change the way of development.
