Important Explanations of the Theoretical Moral-Based Proof on the existence of God with the Approach of the Objectivity of Moral Values

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student at Payam Noor University

2 Assistant professor at at Payam Noor University

3 Associate professor at Payam Noor University



Moral proofs of the existence of God, being made from some preliminaries with the content of experience and moral thought, are distinguished from practical and theoretical ethical proofs. Some, like Kant, emphasizing that morality is essentially a rationally necessary function, emphasize the need for a moral principle in the universe and claim that one has to accept the existence of God by virtue of necessitating state of moral values. While, critics have viewed the proof incapable to prove God's external existence. Therefore, relying on the objectivity of moral values, some have provided a theoretical proof of the existence of God and it has become more accepted. In the proof, it is claimed that human ethical behaviors in different periods have been based on the existence of a set of universal and objective moral values, ruling all over the world, that their reasonability is limited to the existence of a unique God. Some Other have essentially focused on the religious nature of moral obligation and motivation, they believe that, with the exception of God and his commands, no power can evoke human being to do moral deeds. In the present article, various narrations of this proof are studied and criticized. It is finally concluded that although this proof lacks an interconnected harmony, regarding its effect in other proofs in the field, it is notable
