Ghazzali`s Religious Study in Ahya` ul-Olum

Document Type : Research Paper


Phd student of Religious Studies, University of Religion and Denomination



Although religion studying is a new subject in the field of religious studies, it can be seen from the traditional point of view. In this research, some problems on religion have been studied by Ghazali's approach of studying religion. Although Ghazzali being of some presuppositions had a religious approach to religious beliefs, he sought to rebuild and restore religion in his day. As viewed by him, religion focuses on human thought and action both. Religion is not only external and appear rituals, but it is an important agent for cultivating human beings. The essence of religion is in sciences lies in intuition, but its path passes from the science of transaction. Although final prosperity is the ultimate goal of religion, this prosperity is based on worldly prosperity. In this view, God is the ultimate source of religion, and religious leaders have authority


Article Title [العربیة]

آراء غزالی فی الدراسات الدینیة فی کتاب إحیاء علوم الدین

Abstract [العربیة]

رغم ان دراسات حول الدین عنوان جدید فی هذا المجال، لکن یمکن دراسته من منظور تقلیدی، و هذا المقال یعالج بعض مسائل حول الدین من منظور الغزالی.
رغم أن غزالی کان له منهجا تقلیدیاً لکنه حاول إحیاء الدین فی تلک العصر. یرى غزالی أن الدین یهتم إلى ساحتین النظریة والعملیة معاً.
ولیس الدین مناسکاً ظاهریاً فحسب، بل مجالا لتزکیة الإنسان. و جوهر الدین فی العلوم الکشفیة ولکن طریق الوصول إلیه یمر من العلوم المعاملیة. وغایة الدین السعادة الأخرویة، لکنها یمکن تحصیلها عبر السعادة الدنیویة. وفی فکره الله تعالى هو منشأ الدین وغایته النهائیة والمرجعیة لزعماء الدین

Keywords [العربیة]

  • دراسات دینیة
  • إحیاء علوم الدین
  • ماهیة الدین
  • جوهر الدین
  • محدودة الدین
  • منشأ الدین