Soul and related issues are among the complex, controversial and pivotal discussions in philosophy and theology. The most important aspect of the problem of soul is its relation with the possibility and quality of “the Day of Resurrection”. Theologians differ widely in their opinions on the nature of soul and most of them do not believe it to be immaterial. At the same time, however, distinguished theologians like Al-Ghazali, Fakhr Razi, and Khaja Tusi consider human soul to be immaterial. Much of the present article is devoted to examination of the ideas of one the greatest rational theologians in recent centuries, namely the late Abd Al-Razzaq lahiji, who treated in detail the problem in his various works. The nature and immateriality of the soul, relation of mind (soul) and body, temporal creation and immortality of soul, transmigration etc. from his perspective are treated as main discussions in this article.