Each academic discipline has its own logic and language through knowledge of which its reader can understand that science. Islamic theosophy and philosophy has its own logic and language which should be correctly learned by those interested in this domain of thought. The most fundamental issue in the principle of noncontradiction. It seems, at first glance, that some philosophical rules are inconsistent with this principle. For instance, how is it possible to claim that both being and nonbeing are negated at level of quiddity or how is it that an existing essentially contingent being is still described as possible to be and not to be and so how this can be consistent with the impossibility of contradiction. There are cases of apparent inconsistency like the rule of presupposition of subject in predication with priority of essentials and its application to the simple propositions in which the concept of being is predicated of a given subject. What about nonbeings and abstract entities and what is the mode of their realization. Why should we consider only one of two concepts of existence and quiddity to be fundamentally real and regard the other to be the mere construction of mind while both concepts are true of external entity. If only being is real how can multiple things be justified? How can being be considered concomitant with extramentality and efficacy on one hand be divided into mental and extramental on the other. Similar objection can be raised about division of being into one and many or potential and actual since it is affirmed that being is concomitant with unity and actuality. These seemingly incompatible philosophical problems seem to be difficult to understand. To see there is no real contradiction one should know properly the logic and language of theosophy which is the core message of this article.