Ph. Graduate from Baqir Al-ulum University and faculty member of Sistan and Baluchestan University
associate professor of hawzeh and University Research Institute
According to Mulla Sadra human soul originates initially from mineral level develops into vegetative stage and then to animal soul. Having born, man begins to use his sense organs bestowed to him and goes on to become more and more perfect passing behind the sensual and imaginal stages to attain the level of rational soul which is the distinguishing element between man and animal. Since his final perfection and the end for his creation is to attain the status of intuition, it is shown in the present article that human perfection is of and depends on perception, which itself relates to the development of intellect. Through theoretical and practical activities human intellect can actualize its potentialities so that it can expand and deepen its perceptions by attaining the Active Intellect in which it can intuitively see and obtain all forms of knowledge. On the unity of intellect and intelligible, human soul enjoys any perfection realized for one of its faculties. As result, the perception of intellect is a cause for existential intensification of soul and its progress up to higher levels of beings. The more powerful human perception is, the higher levels of existence it can attain. Therefore, the highest being is the most knowing existent. The role played by theoretical intellect is much more crucial than that of practical one. The findings of practical intellect can cause existential progress of soul only if they turn to intuition and perception. Hence, the perfection and existential intensity of soul is possible only through increase of perception.
Najafi Savadroudbari, R. and Shirvani, A. (2014). Generation and Perfection of Human Soul from Sadra’s Perspective. Theosophia Practica, 6(Issue 19), 139-166.
Najafi Savadroudbari, R. , and Shirvani, A. . "Generation and Perfection of Human Soul from Sadra’s Perspective", Theosophia Practica, 6, Issue 19, 2014, 139-166.
Najafi Savadroudbari, R., Shirvani, A. (2014). 'Generation and Perfection of Human Soul from Sadra’s Perspective', Theosophia Practica, 6(Issue 19), pp. 139-166.
R. Najafi Savadroudbari and A. Shirvani, "Generation and Perfection of Human Soul from Sadra’s Perspective," Theosophia Practica, 6 Issue 19 (2014): 139-166,
Najafi Savadroudbari, R., Shirvani, A. Generation and Perfection of Human Soul from Sadra’s Perspective. Theosophia Practica, 2014; 6(Issue 19): 139-166.