Nature of Death, Death-awareness and Meaning of Life

Document Type : Research Paper


1 associate professor in Baqir Al-Ulum University

2 Ph. D. student of Islamic philosophy in Baqir Al-Ulum University


Death has been and is the most important problem of human being throughout the history. Every man is innately in the pursuit of immortality, life and well-fare as they also hate destruction and annihilation. This problem as well as related views and analyses of the true nature of death, the elements of reducing the dread of death have all direct effect on meaningfulness of life. Whether or not life is worth living and leads to other-worldly goal, and is susceptible of studying its functions and accomplishments are all related to meaningfulness or absurdity of life. Theistic view calls human being to reflect on creation and its purposefulness, to believe in resurrection and immortality. Good life and intellectual life in continuation of this worldly life is Quranic solution in rendering life meaningful. By correcting one’s view of death and the way he should confront it, man meet the challenge of absurdity of life and find instead spiritual rest and tranquility through the joy in attaining the Lord of the worlds. 
