Epistemic Support of Beliefs In Theologians’ Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. of Kalam, philosophy of Religion and new theological Questions, University of Qom


Every believer has reasons, however week they may be, for his beliefs on basis of which he has developed them. Religious beliefs are among the most important ones that are examined in various academic fields and argued for or against their epistemic support. In the introduction of their books, Muslim theologians as exponents of faith have discussed as “rules of reflection” the epistemic requirements in demonstration of religious beliefs including Unity of God. They have dealt with definition, divisions, requirements, rulings and arguments for reasoning the comprehensive research of which would be too extensive and detailed to be examined here. According to Muslim theologians consideration and reflection is obligatory though Ash`arites and Adliyyeh [upholders of divine justice] are divided over the nature of the obligation. The former holds it to be revealed while the latter take it to be rational. Each has its own direct or indirect arguments in favor of the chosen view which are going to be reviewed in the present article.