associate professor in Baqir Al-Ulum University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 associate professor in Baqir Al-Ulum University

2 Ph. D. student of Baqir Al-Ulum University and faculty member of Kharazmi University


After Ibn Tofeil and Avempace, Ibn Rushd an Andalusian polymath, continued the crucial task of philosophy in the west of Islamic territory in 12th century. By studying his works one is led to his novelty and interesting thought in both of theoretical and practical philosophies. Using descriptive method, the present article is to draw attention to one issue in his practical thoughts namely felicity as an important problem in the domain of normative ethics. To this end it is essential to explain the characteristics, components, presuppositions and types of felicity. Ibn Rushd lists three qualities of goodness, supreme good and self-sufficiency for felicity. It seems that the nature of felicity is of several ingredients oriented toward single inclusive purpose. To him felicity presupposes purposefulness of acts, unity of ends, its relation with perfection and the theory of virtue. On the basis of these considerations, Averroes held felicity of various types such as theoretical, practical, metaphysical, individual, social, worldly and otherworldly, certain and conjectural, innate and volitional sorts of felicity.
