Of novel topics in cultural milieu in modern world is disscussion of happiness as one of the human positive affection that has drawn attention in the intellctual setting after world war II concerning wellfare in positive spsychology. With the rise of new forms of spirituality and current of philosophy come the fore as the element of meaning fullness. The present article is intended to explain the proper relation of happiness with meaning fulness in the mirror of holy verses and hadiths adopting rational and narative method. Having discussed three different philosophical psychological and religious method, the article attempt to survey the relation between happiness and meaning with the folllowing results: Happness is composed of two dimensions of cognition and feeling. It can be defined in two levels of prelimenary and spiritual and hence of two praiseworthy and plameworthy divisions. According to Islam happiness is not an element of but subject to meaningfulness of life for in a supernaturalistic approach emphasis is put on two components of purpose and value. Prelimenary happiness is preamble to making life meaningful and spiritual happiness is a result of reaching the desired end and meaningfulness of life. The article concludes that Islam does not approve the accound made by various currents of psychology, Lamaism and intellectualism which hold happiness as an end and objective
Yaqubiyan, M. H. , Masaeli, A. and Jomazadah, F. S. (2017). Analytical examination of the Relation between Happiness and Meaning of Life in Islamic Perspective. Theosophia Practica, 8(Issue 30), 179-202. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63757
Yaqubiyan, M. H. , , Masaeli, A. , and Jomazadah, F. S. . "Analytical examination of the Relation between Happiness and Meaning of Life in Islamic Perspective", Theosophia Practica, 8, Issue 30, 2017, 179-202. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63757
Yaqubiyan, M. H., Masaeli, A., Jomazadah, F. S. (2017). 'Analytical examination of the Relation between Happiness and Meaning of Life in Islamic Perspective', Theosophia Practica, 8(Issue 30), pp. 179-202. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63757
M. H. Yaqubiyan , A. Masaeli and F. S. Jomazadah, "Analytical examination of the Relation between Happiness and Meaning of Life in Islamic Perspective," Theosophia Practica, 8 Issue 30 (2017): 179-202, doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63757
Yaqubiyan, M. H., Masaeli, A., Jomazadah, F. S. Analytical examination of the Relation between Happiness and Meaning of Life in Islamic Perspective. Theosophia Practica, 2017; 8(Issue 30): 179-202. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63757