The world of preexistence is one the most controversial subject in Quranic discussions over which exegetes, theologians and philosophers have much argued. Taken literally, holy verses of Quran as well as some hadiths clearly indicate that any man before coming into being in this world had an individual entity in the world of preexistence namely dhar. Some Muslim thinkers have not accepted this literal understanding of the scriptures and each of them attempted to make such verses and tradition plausible in their own way of interpretation. In their views, some objections are levelled against the literal meaning in that belief in such world of preexistence implies a sort of transmigration. However in view of the rational possibility of preexistent world as well as the fact that transmigration itself is not rationally impossible by nature, one can maintain that world of preexistence is a sort of transmigration which is possible and no difficulty arises from its realization
Yousofi, M. T. Y. and Etesaminejad, M. (2017). Study of Relation between World of Preexistence with Transmigration. Theosophia Practica, 8(Issue 30), 203-224. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63758
Yousofi, M. T. Y. , and Etesaminejad, M. . "Study of Relation between World of Preexistence with Transmigration", Theosophia Practica, 8, Issue 30, 2017, 203-224. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63758
Yousofi, M. T. Y., Etesaminejad, M. (2017). 'Study of Relation between World of Preexistence with Transmigration', Theosophia Practica, 8(Issue 30), pp. 203-224. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63758
M. T. Y. Yousofi and M. Etesaminejad, "Study of Relation between World of Preexistence with Transmigration," Theosophia Practica, 8 Issue 30 (2017): 203-224, doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63758
Yousofi, M. T. Y., Etesaminejad, M. Study of Relation between World of Preexistence with Transmigration. Theosophia Practica, 2017; 8(Issue 30): 203-224. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2017.63758