قم، پردیسان، جاده کهک ورجان، هزاره نهم، مجتمع آیت الله مرعشی نجفی ره، بلوک ۴، واحد ۱۵
Faculty member
Existence, contingence, essential possibility and existential possibility are some of the yardsticks that have been proposed to justify the need of the effect to the cause. Each of these yardsticks has been criticized and denied by some thinkers. One of the contemporary thinkers has also criticized and rejected the theory of existential possibility and introduced semantic possibility as the only correct yardstick of need for cause. In this article, according to the two meanings of the yardstick, namely cause and reason, the above-mentioned views are examined and shown that all of them face problems. By dividing cause into analytical and external, semantic possibility has been introduced as the yardstick of need for cause in analytic causality and cause itself introduced as the yardstick of need for cause in external causality. Also in this article, by dividing the cause into active, ultimate, material and formal cause; complete and Incomplete cause; real and unreal or preparatory cause; longitudinal and transverse cause; direct and indirect cause, the yardstick of need for each of them is examined separately.
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Sarbakhshi, M., & kermani, A. (2023). Rereading the interpretation of transcendent wisdom from Criteria for the need for causality. Theosophia Practica, 14(Issue 52), 7-32. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2024.63185.1050
Mohammad Sarbakhshi; alireza kermani. "Rereading the interpretation of transcendent wisdom from Criteria for the need for causality", Theosophia Practica, 14, Issue 52, 2023, 7-32. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2024.63185.1050
Sarbakhshi, M., kermani, A. (2023). 'Rereading the interpretation of transcendent wisdom from Criteria for the need for causality', Theosophia Practica, 14(Issue 52), pp. 7-32. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2024.63185.1050
Sarbakhshi, M., kermani, A. Rereading the interpretation of transcendent wisdom from Criteria for the need for causality. Theosophia Practica, 2023; 14(Issue 52): 7-32. doi: 10.22081/pwq.2024.63185.1050