Welcome to the journal of Theosophia Practica, a unique platform where science and philosophy intertwine. The journal of Theosophia Practica is a scientific philosophical journal. This journal is dedicated to fostering intellectual discourse and discovery at the intersection of these two diverse fields. Our mission is to explore the practical applications of theosophical principles in scientific research and philosophical inquiry. We aim to provide a forum for scholars, researchers, and thinkers from around the globe to share their insights and findings. The journal of Theosophia Practica is committed to publishing rigorous, thought-provoking articles that challenge conventional wisdom and push the boundaries of knowledge. We believe in the power of theosophy to illuminate the mysteries of the universe and enhance our understanding of the world around us. Whether you are a seasoned academic or a curious reader, we invite you to delve into the pages of our journal. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery. 

Bibliographic Information 

Title: Theosophia Practica
Print ISSN: 2008-9309
Online ISSN: 2783-4131
Frequency: Quarterly
Director-in-Charge: Dr. Shamsollah Mariji
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Yarali Firouzjaei
Publisher: Baqir al-Olum University

Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 58, December 2023, Pages 6-175 

Publication Information


Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Editorial Board Indexing Advisor
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

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