assistant professor in Research Academy of Hawze wa Daneshgah
One reason for the importance of natural law in modern times is the role it play as explanatory principles of human rights. Natural law, however, is different from natural rights. While natural law dates back to 2500 years ago, discussions related to natural rights do not exceed 350 years. Natural law underlies natural rights.
Western scholars are divided in interpreting the doctrine of natural law. Their difference of opinions over the content of natural law originates from their disagreements in understanding the term "nature". The present article is mainly intended to explain the various applications and interpretations of natural law doctrine. Having considered almost all published works by advocates of natural law in the West, one encounters four different readings for natural law. Of these four versions only two are compatible to some Islamic beliefs. The article is an attempt to examine these four interpretations with an emphasis on the way this legal expression should be rendered in Farsi.